Hi My name is Yanki Reichman,
i was born in Antwerp, Belgium and currently live in Jerusalem, Israel

since i was a small child i always loved electronics and computers, so much so that most of the disc-man's and mp-3's i owned didn't last for to long because i just had to see how it "works", than as i got older i started to understand a bit more what was happening and with time i started fixing a bit more than i was breaking and that's when i learned some basic low voltage electronic's

then in my teen's i went to learn in Yeshiva where i started playing with bigger voltages and i rewired my dorm room to control the light and air-condition from my bed
and that's when i read my first real tech book "CompTIA A+" it is more a technician's book than for programmer's but i still read the whole thing in a week all the 1500 pages of it

for the next few years i strayed more towards electronic's Engineering than computer science but now i am back with a vengeance's,
after playing around with a bit of front end i got to a point where i was lost as to what direction to take, whats important to invest my time in and whats just a niche subject, so i signed up to a programmers course that teaches almost everything learned in cs degree

so that's my mission for the future, thank you for taking your time to read it all, i hope you enjoy'd my story.

ps: if you have any feedback you can contact me trough the "Contact Me" page off the home page waiting to hear from you ,Yanki Reichman

look on the names while typing in english the word avi